DYNAMIC INFLUENCE NETWORKS, a visual analytics tool for representing protein interaction networks, based on KaSim, an open source stochastic simulator of rule-based models.
LEFT: A network layout of KaSim data. Rules are represented as circles; influences on other rules are represented with lines.
If the magnitude of influence of one rule on another is higher than a user-given threshold (defined by the influence slider), they are clustered together (represented by colored circles).
Click and drag a rule or cluster to pin it in place; click again to unpin it. Use the LAYOUT tab to pin nodes in place or to manually mark nodes into different clusters.
RIGHT, TOP: A phenotype graph representing the overall activity of the network over the entire time window.
RIGHT, MIDDLE AND BOTTOM: Right-click any rule in the network layout to display its fluxes over time as a line graph.
DATASET: Drag and drop a zipped folder of json files generated by KaSim onto the page. They must be named in consecutive order: e.g., flux_0.json, flux_1.json, flux_2.json.