* Act like WordTags for cases where multiple words make up a single entity
* E.g.: The two words "DNA damage" as a single "BioProcess"
* Act as the anchor for any incoming Links (in lieu of the Words it covers)
* WordTag -> Word -> Row
* [WordCluster]
* Link
class WordCluster {
* Creates a new WordCluster instance
* @param {Word[]} words - An array of the Words that this cluster will cover
* @param {String} val - The raw text for this cluster's label
constructor(words = [], val) {
this.eventIds = [];
this.val = val;
this.words = words;
this.links = [];
// SVG elements:
// 2 groups for left & right brace, containing:
// a path appended to each of the two groups
// a text label appended to the left group
// The SVG groups are children of the main SVG document rather than the
// Word's SVG group, since WordClusters technically exceed the bounds of
// their individual Words.
this.svgs = [];
this.lines = [];
this.svgText = null;
// The main API instance for the visualisation
this.main = null;
// Main Config object for the parent instance; set by `.init()`
this.config = null;
// Cached SVG BBox values
this._textBbox = null;
words.forEach((word) => word.clusters.push(this));
* Any event IDs (essentially arbitrary labels) that this WordCluster is
* associated with
* @param id
addEventId(id) {
if (this.eventIds.indexOf(id) < 0) {
* Sets the text of this WordCluster, or returns this WordCluster's SVG text
* element
* @param val
* @return {*}
text(val) {
if (val === undefined) {
return this.svgText;
this.val = val;
this._textBbox = this.svgText.bbox();
if (this.editingRect) {
let bbox = this.svgText.bbox();
if (bbox.width > 0) {
.width(bbox.width + 8)
.height(bbox.height + 4)
.x(bbox.x - 4)
.y(bbox.y - 2);
} else {
this.editingRect.width(10).x(this.svgText.x() - 5);
* Initialise this WordCluster against the main API instance.
* Will be called once each by every Word within this cluster's coverage,
* but we are really only interested in the first Word and the last Word
* @param {Word} word - A Word within this cluster's coverage.
* @param main
init(word, main) {
const idx = this.endpoints.indexOf(word);
if (idx < 0) {
// Not a critical word
this.main = main;
this.config = main.config;
// A critical Word. Prepare the corresponding SVG group.
const mainSvg = main.svg;
if (!this.svgs[idx]) {
let svg = (this.svgs[idx] = mainSvg
this.lines[idx] = svg.path().addClass("tag-element");
// Add the text label to the left arm
if (idx === 0) {
this.svgText = svg.text(this.val).leading(1);
this._textBbox = this.svgText.bbox();
this.svgText.node.oncontextmenu = (e) => {
mainSvg.fire("tag-right-click", { object: this, event: e });
this.svgText.click(() => mainSvg.fire("tag-edit", { object: this }));
// Perform initial draw if both arms are ready
if (this.lines[1] && this.endpoints[1].row) {
* Draws in the SVG elements for this WordCluster
* https://codepen.io/explosion/pen/YGApwd
draw() {
if (!this.lines[1] || !this.endpoints[1].row) {
// The Word/WordClusters are not ready for drawing
/** @type {Word} */
const leftAnchor = this.endpoints[0];
/** @type {Word} */
const rightAnchor = this.endpoints[1];
const leftX = leftAnchor.x;
const rightX = rightAnchor.x + rightAnchor.boxWidth;
if (leftAnchor.row === rightAnchor.row) {
// Draw in full curly brace between anchors
const baseY = this.getBaseY(leftAnchor.row);
const textY =
baseY - this.config.wordTopTagPadding - this._textBbox.height;
const centre = (leftX + rightX) / 2;
this.svgText.move(centre, textY);
this._textBbox = this.svgText.bbox();
// Each arm consists of two curves with relatively tight control
// points (to preserve the "hook-iness" of the curve).
// The following x-/y- values are all relative.
const armWidth = (rightX - leftX) / 2;
const curveWidth = armWidth / 2;
const curveControl = Math.min(curveWidth, this.config.linkCurveWidth);
const curveY = -this.config.wordTopTagPadding / 2;
// Left arm
"M" +
[leftX, baseY] +
"c" +
[0, curveY, curveControl, curveY, curveWidth, curveY] +
"c" +
[curveWidth - curveControl, 0, curveWidth, 0, curveWidth, curveY]
// Right arm
"M" +
[rightX, baseY] +
"c" +
[0, curveY, -curveControl, curveY, -curveWidth, curveY] +
"c" +
[-curveWidth + curveControl, 0, -curveWidth, 0, -curveWidth, curveY]
} else {
// Extend curly brace to end of first Row, draw intervening rows,
// finish on last Row
const textY =
leftAnchor.row.baseline -
leftAnchor.boxHeight -
this._textBbox.height -
let centre = (leftX + leftAnchor.row.rw) / 2;
this.svgText.move(centre, textY);
this._textBbox = this.svgText.bbox();
// Left arm
const leftY = this.getBaseY(leftAnchor.row);
const armWidth = (leftAnchor.row.rw - leftX) / 2;
const curveWidth = armWidth / 2;
const curveControl = Math.min(curveWidth, this.config.linkCurveWidth);
const curveY = -this.config.wordTopTagPadding / 2;
"M" +
[leftX, leftY] +
"c" +
[0, curveY, curveControl, curveY, curveWidth, curveY] +
"c" +
[curveWidth - curveControl, 0, curveWidth, 0, curveWidth, curveY]
// Right arm, first Row
let d = "";
d +=
"M" +
[leftAnchor.row.rw, leftY + curveY] +
"c" +
[-armWidth + curveControl, 0, -armWidth, 0, -armWidth, curveY];
// Intervening rows
for (let i = leftAnchor.row.idx + 1; i < rightAnchor.row.idx; i++) {
const thisRow = this.main.rowManager.rows[i];
const lineY = this.getBaseY(thisRow);
d += "M" + [0, lineY + curveY] + "L" + [thisRow.rw, lineY + curveY];
// Last Row
const rightY = this.getBaseY(rightAnchor.row);
d +=
"M" +
[rightX, rightY] +
"c" +
[0, curveY, -curveControl, curveY, -rightX, curveY];
// // draw right side of brace extending to end of row and align text
// let center = (-left + this.endpoints[0].row.rw) / 2 + 10;
// this.x = center + lOffset;
// this.svgText.x(center + lOffset);
// this.lines[0].plot("M" + lOffset
// + ",33c0,-10," + [center, 0, center, -8]
// + "c0,10," + [center, 0, center, 8]
// );
// this.lines[1].plot("M" + rOffset
// + ",33c0,-10," + [-right + 8, 0, -right + 8, -8]
// + "c0,10," + [-right + 8, 0, -right + 8, 8]
// );
// propagate draw command to parent links
this.links.forEach((l) => l.draw(this));
* Calculates what the absolute y-value for the base of this cluster's curly
* brace should be if it were drawn on the given Row
* @param row
getBaseY(row) {
// Use the taller of the endpoint's boxes as the base
const wordHeight = Math.max(
return row.baseline - wordHeight;
remove() {
this.svgs.forEach((svg) => svg.remove());
this.words.forEach((word) => {
let i = word.clusters.indexOf(this);
if (i > -1) {
word.clusters.splice(i, 1);
listenForEdit() {
this.isEditing = true;
let bbox = this.svgText.bbox();
this.editingRect = this.svgs[0]
.rect(bbox.width + 8, bbox.height + 4)
.x(bbox.x - 4)
.y(bbox.y - 2)
stopEditing() {
this.isEditing = false;
this.editingRect = null;
this.val = this.val.trim();
if (!this.val) {
* Returns an array of the first and last Words covered by this WordCluster
* @return {Word[]}
get endpoints() {
return [this.words[0], this.words[this.words.length - 1]];
get row() {
return this.endpoints[0].row;
* Returns the absolute y-position of the top of the WordCluster's label
* (for positioning Links that point at it)
* @return {Number}
get absoluteY() {
// The text label lives with the left arm of the curly brace
const thisHeight = this.svgs[0].bbox().height;
return this.endpoints[0].absoluteY - thisHeight;
* Returns the height of this WordCluster, from Row baseline to the top of
* its label
get fullHeight() {
// The text label lives with the left arm of the curly brace
const thisHeight = this.svgs[0].bbox().height;
return this.endpoints[0].boxHeight + thisHeight;
get idx() {
return this.endpoints[0].idx;
* Returns the x-position of the centre of this WordCluster's label
* @return {*}
get cx() {
return this._textBbox.cx;
* Returns the width of the bounding box of the WordTag's SVG text element
* @return {Number}
get textWidth() {
return this._textBbox.width;
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// Debug functions
* Draws the outline of this component's bounding box
drawBbox() {
const bbox = this.svgs[0].bbox();
[bbox.x, bbox.y],
[bbox.x2, bbox.y],
[bbox.x2, bbox.y2],
[bbox.x, bbox.y2],
[bbox.x, bbox.y]
.stroke({ width: 1 });
* Draws the outline of the text element's bounding box
drawTextBbox() {
const bbox = this.svgText.bbox();
[bbox.x, bbox.y],
[bbox.x2, bbox.y],
[bbox.x2, bbox.y2],
[bbox.x, bbox.y2],
[bbox.x, bbox.y]
.stroke({ width: 1 });
export default WordCluster;